Big Tree Conception
L+P welcome page button.png

lin et pastel

lin backg photo + drop purple.png
Lin et Pastel 1st.png

 Lin et Pastel needed a new lease of life. After 10 years of making quality small batch paints and pigments they sought to expand with a new name and new branding. All of this needed to reflect their traditional methods and values whilst adding a modern twist.

Lin et Pastel can mock.png

The principal logo is used on packaging, branding material and stationary.

test sheet 2 2nd.png

We created a new logo system (rather than a single mark) to encompass various layout needs including a website header, colour cards, brochure header and a favicon. Three basic colours are used across all branding (keeping a connection with the previous logo).

Lin et Pastel colour card mockup.png

Based on our agreed objectives for Lin et Pastel we designed three unique logo concepts for the client to choose between. These were the other alternatives.

Lin et Pastel alternatives
Lin et Pastel alternatives 2.png

© Copyright Big Tree Conception 2016